Lasting Solutions for Common Dental Problems

Kids blowing bubbles outdoors after restorative dentistry in Portland

If you bring your child to see us with a cavity or broken/chipped tooth, don’t worry—we won’t give you a lecture. Life happens, and we’re more than happy to help your child recover their dental health without forcing you to take a guilt trip. We’ve been repairing growing smiles for decades here at Dr. Pike Dentistry for Children, so we’re more than capable of getting their oral health back on track with restorative dentistry in Portland.

Why Choose Dr. Pike Dentistry for Children for Kid’s Restorative Dental Care?

  • Led by Two Children’s Dentistry Experts
  • Science-Based Method for Calm Children’s Dental Appointments
  • Trusted by Portland Families for 50+ Years

Dental Crowns

Ceramist painting a dental crown white

If a tooth has developed a large cavity, or the structure of the enamel is compromised due to trauma, then we may place a dental crown over it. These “caps” as they are sometimes called are made of strong and durable stainless steel and shaped like teeth. They protect compromised enamel and prevent any further damage so that the tooth can be trusted to function all the way until it falls out naturally.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Close up of a dentist placing a white filling in a tooth

For small cavities, we can take care of them in a single appointment by placing composite resin where the enamel has been eaten away. This restores the lost tooth structure, plus we can match the resin to your child’s smile so that the final result doesn’t stick out.