A Cozy Place for Your Special Smile

You don’t need us to tell you that taking care of a child with special needs can be challenging, and bringing them to the dentist can be a whole other mountain to climb. But at Dr. Pike Dentistry for Children here in Portland, we can make your life much easier when it comes to looking after their well-being. We love working with children with special needs and take pride in our ability to adapt to guarantee you both have a comfortable and productive visit every time you step through our doors.
Why Choose Dr. Pike Dentistry for Children for Special Needs Dentistry?
- Extensive Training to Help Children with Special Needs
- Science-Based Method for Ensuring a Smooth Dental Appointment
- We Take All the Time Needed to Ensure Kids Feel Comfortable
How Do We Help Our Patients with Special Needs Feel Comfortable?

We understand that flexibility is the most important factor when it comes to serving children with special needs. We just ask that you give us a call and tell us about your child ahead of their appointment so we can make adjustments before you come to see us. We can change the layout of our office to accommodate wheelchairs/mobility issues, alter the lighting/scent/soundscape, and do countless other things so that you can step in here with peace of mind.

Children who are living with autism can suffer from a variety of oral health issues. Between 20% and 25% of children with classic autism will deal with bruxism, tongue thrusting, chewing on non-food items, and enamel erosion. Self-injury, such as picking at the gums or biting the lips can create ulcers. Additionally, since oral hygiene routines are often difficult at home, plaque buildup and tooth decay are also common.
When working with children with autism, we will communicate with your child in a method that they can understand. We will develop a strategy with you about how to best approach the appointment. Regardless of whether your child feels the most comfortable holding your hand or bringing in a treasured stuffed animal from home, we can accommodate any needs.
Down Syndrome

Children with Down syndrome suffer from oral manifestations that need special attention from a pediatric dentist. Many people with Down syndrome experience early-onset periodontal disease, which is the most significant oral health problem that they will deal with. They commonly suffer from bruxism, teeth clenching, tongue thrust, and mouth breathing. In certain cases, congenitally malformed or missing teeth may also be present.
Many children who have Down syndrome can be treated successfully in the dental office. Pre-appointment planning to discuss your child’s functional and intellectual abilities may be beneficial. When working with these children, we use short, clear instructions while minimizing sight and sound distractions that could make it difficult for your child to cooperate. We work to develop consistency and trust that will make the process as comfortable as possible for you and your child.
Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a movement and posture disorder that results in significant functional mobility impairment. Children with cerebral palsy are at an increased risk for periodontal diseases, cavities, oral trauma, injury, and enamel hypoplasia. Dental erosion as a result of gastro-esophageal reflux can also cause significant damage to the teeth.
When working with your child with cerebral palsy, we will take their intellectual needs into account when providing dental care. We practice active listening and are always sensitive to the communication methods that your child uses. We will also minimize sounds, lights, and sudden movements that could trigger uncontrolled movements or primitive reflexes.